
Learning Outcomes

1- You will be able to identify the letter
(in words and/or amongst other letters)
2- You will be able to write the letter T
3- You will be able to pronounce eight (8) words that begin with the letter T



State learning outcome "1" (Identifying letter T)

In the video above you will let your child watch it and learn, it's a cartoon so he will learn
and he will enjoy watching it at the same time. So it's a great video to teach your child letter "T".


State learning outcome "2"

click here

click here

In the links above, you will print out the worksheets and let your child write the letter "T"
he can also color the drawing, So he will know how to write the letter "T".


State learning outcome "3"

This Prezi above is so easy and suitable for children who is learning letters, it will show them eight words that begins with letter T. *to parent's you will use this PREZI for letting your child watch it at home and practice to pronunce the eight words that begins with T, you can also let your child write it on a paper and practice everyday at home.

1 comment:

  1. The Prezi is really easy for children and it is prepared well. I like your choices of the words. you have chose good ones which pronounced the real T, because there are some word starts with T, but its pronunciation are different. For example, the word: Theater or the. However, you need to improve a very small thing in the Prezi, because it is created for kids, I think it will be attractive if you used a colorful background. :)
